Sunday 20 May 2012

S65 parts bike

Primarily I intended to use the latest S65 to just finish the restoration of the other S65, but there is a lot of goodly serviceable parts that could just be exchanged between the bikes so... she will be rebuilt as a semi-rat project bike. So I got a Lifan 110cc automatic and placed it into the motor placement just to see, slid in the mount bolts and there we go, a direct fit with no mods!
So that is working out excellent, however, some people have been mentioning that "its not a moped, there are no pedals", so I will temporarily rectify that situation.


  1. Wow, so did I hear you right? Engine went into S65 frame, no mods, cutting blah, blah, blah.

  2. Pushed the engine into position and lifted it up and slid in the upper long bolt and thought "WOW THAT WAS EASY", so I grabbed the other bolt and juggled the motor a little and in she slid! Basically as difficult as the stock motors!

    1. Sweet dude. The tranny on mine is trashed and would cost nearly as much as the motor to fix.

  3. Forgot to ask. Any mods to get the exhaust pipe on?

  4. Original pipe was basically kaput on the parts bike - rusted inside - but I did test fit it to the Lifan - bolted directly to her.
    I am not sure if the 'other' knock offs are as correct as the Lifan because those were produced under license from Honda, some knockoffs are not and might be different.

  5. I just assume stick with what works. The 110's a direct bolt on and the pipe fits, sounds like a winner.

  6. Any chance you got an extra headlight bucket you can sell me? Mines about had it. Cannot hold the headlight in place.

  7. Got my Lifan in today. Bolted right up!. Perfect clone. Exhaust and everything
