Friday 23 March 2012

Friday 16 March 2012

Twisting through the gears

We will be converting a knock off twist shifter into a left hand up-down shifter...

Saturday 10 March 2012

Monday 5 March 2012

Got the Garelli genny covered

Nice little Garelli seems to just have an issue with the right side cover missing... which leads to troubles when it is wet outside and the ignition gets swamped. Best solution is to buy a side cover... or make one...
So some left over aluminium siding and a bit of snipping with the tin snips, a fold her and a fold there and we end up with a cover that has function as its primary task... maybe later some red rattle can paint and it would sort of maybe blend in...

Friday 2 March 2012

Making a round cylinder

Working away at porting another cylinder. This one is a square AV7 cylinder which will be pared down to a replica of the earlier round cylinders and accept a AV88 head.
Converting the square to round configuration was merely a few passes with a dreadnaught on the corners of the fins...

Thursday 1 March 2012