Thursday 27 February 2014

Set your AV7 ignition timing

If you have a cam/clutch puller you would use the piston stop tool to hold the piston at 1,5mm BTDC, extract the cam and set the index and spark initiation...

If you do not have the puller handy or are out on the road, you can verify the initiation first, then verify that you have gap at index...

Monday 17 February 2014

Saturday 8 February 2014

Torrot Blunderbuss Exhause

Recycled Moby Blunderbuss (old model with ball silencer) exhause to fit a Torrot...

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Lock wire

Put together some video for doing lockwire.
First you need to cross drill some nuts to accept thelockwire

Here is how to lock wire two or more nuts together