Monday, 26 June 2017

BOOKS BY RebelMoby

Since the early 1960s, moped performance has been restricted by various regulatory bodies, and manufacturers have complied by limiting the top speed (and in many jurisdictions the noise level) by detuning the motors.
So I am endeavoring to compose some books as a study in reversing these restrictions for engines which might be used off the public highways, or for bikes which would be throttled down for use to comply with local regulations for use on public roadways.
Yes, this is a disclaimer, it is up to you to research the regulations for your jurisdictions and determine appropriate action or other considerations on its own merit.
The amount of work and/or rework is also an individual decision. If you are just wanting to slap on a kit, CDI, pipe, huge carb and go because “It’s just mopeds” then do not be surprised when someone “with the same set-up” is out performing you.
Please keep in mind that there are dangers in operating any motorized vehicle, there are equally some risks when operating machinery and tools, please use due diligence when debating your own skills for repairing, modifying and operating the machines and cycles.
These are not necessarily Motobecane books, though the samples and examples in these documents are based primarily on Motobecane motors, chosen not because the methods and processes only work on this marque, but mainly because these are the moped motors which I am most familiar with and have experimented upon for a number of decades.

These books will be periodically updated, based on feedback by anyone who would want to take the time to suggest any inclusions, modifications or other constructive comments (even criticisms can be taken into consideration if not mean spirited).
You can send me your comments ideas or thoughts to RebelMoby at
These books are free - yes free - share them how you like, please quote the reference source if you 'borrow' the information from the books. 
I you feel the need to 'contribute' to offset my expenses a gift certificate from Treats is always welcomed, just let Benji and Co know to put it to the account with my email address quoted in the above paragraph.