Sunday, 24 June 2012

Peugeot BB1 CT and trailer

Just hit the fast forward and jump forward in time since the last post and check out the finished pair - trailer and Peugeot. The Pug still needs a rear fender though...

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Something is afoot...

I am feeling very lucky after culling this collection of fine pieces from the dumpster at the auction... Crazy ideas will be put into reality soon...

Friday, 1 June 2012

Crazy Fast Cady

Humble beginnings of the Cady Speedster...
The bike was given to me as a challenge
project to see if there was anything I
could do with her to save her...
There were no forks on the frame and she 
had been accidented on a farm and run over 
by equipment... this allowed carte blanche I decided it 
might be a good plan to try to fit a AV7 to
the tiny frame.
Spy pictures of the lower counter spring
rather than a solid mount so there would
always be tension on the belt with the Dimoby...
...and perhaps allow later fitting of a variator...
Upper mount I fabricated temporary plates 
to adapt the upper motor mounting point of
the AV7 to the  frame without major 
modifications... in case the project needed
more R&D (or perhaps the motor was too much)
It turned out to be very BLASTY fun...
Front forks are from a 50V which fit with 
no modification at all.